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(DISPATCH) Loll Jung and Alice Hill-Woods Join the Team!


SPAM HQ are delighted to announce two new members of the team, who will be working closely with us over the next few months to help with our internal operations, meme strategies, general output of poesie, Plaza content, editing, marketing, pamphleteering, podcasting, outreach and more. Loll Jung (left, Cancer) and Alice Hill-Woods (right, Gemini) are two people whose writing and thinking we've admired for a long time and we're so excited to bring them into the (many) fold(s) of SPAM's origami operation. Loll will be joining us as Assistant Copyeditor and Alice as Editorial and Marketing Assistant.

Loll Jung is a human animal who can usually be found residing in Glasgow, Scotland. They have an MLitt in Creative Writing with work published in SPAM, Adjacent Pineapple, Gutter, and BlueHouse. Loll’s interests lie in hybrid essaying, poetry, and fiction, where they grapple with intersections between mythology, ecology, and memory. Currently, Loll is sitting in an old house on an older hill in a small part of Germany researching dead humans and living stone.

(@lolloblitzkatze /

Alice is a poet and postgraduate at the University of York. She grew up between Nottingham, UK, and various parts of South Africa. She shoots film on a 1970s camera (plundered from a tense ebay bidding war), has written reviews for SPAM and elsewhere, and has recently graduated from the University of Glasgow. Her poems have been published by, or are forthcoming from, adjacent pineapple, streetcake magazine, the Poetry Society, Speculative Books, SPAM zine, From Glasgow to Saturn, Gargouille Literary Journal, Dostoyevsky Wannabe and more. She ran a community workshop in 2018 exploring the connections between poetry and visual art, funded by Time to Shine, and continued to deliver creative workshops for GUM – first as creative writing editor, then as workshop director. She likes 1960s experimental fiction, illness narratives, ecopoetics and literary hybridity, and aims to someday displace her riotous gemini energy. 

(@aliceasapoet /


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