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(DISPATCH) Mau Baiocco joins SPAM!


Mau is smiling at the camera and wearing a blue hoodie and sitting on some rocks with beautiful rolling hills and dry stone walls, blue sky in the background

Welcoming our newest addition to the team, effervescing from Gemini season we are so stoked to announce that Mau Baiocco will be joining SPAM as our Assistant Editor and Poetics Specialist! Long term friend of SPAM (check out their iconic review of Dom Hale's 'The Noughties' here and their interview with Marie Buck here), Mau is one of our favourite readers of poetry and poetry in translation. Mau is also an incredible poet in their own right (check out some stunning work in Millenium Megabus and issue 2 of LUDD GANG) and we're so buzzed to work together on a cascade of new pamphlets, magazine issues and other post/proto-internet endeavours. Mau Baiocco is a poet, writer, translator and essayist from Caracas, Venezuela and currently residing in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Their scattered interests include socialist imaginaries, dreams, cooking, hiking, desire, submerged radical traditions and learning about the microscopic and macroscopic processes which make us. They hold a Masters degree in Poetry and Poetics from the University of York and recent work can be found at SPAM and in the mutual aid poetry zine Ludd Gang. They are currently writing a yearlong collaborative sonnet collection in installments, 'Sonnets for Hooch' with Kyle Lovell and Maria Sledmere, and setting up RAT PRESS, a new zine and distro based in Leeds. They also host the occasional radio show 'Selections from the Baroque' on No Bounds Radio.


Mau will be contributing their exquisite poetry taste, editorial skills and enthusiasm to help sustain and diversify SPAM’s print and online poetry output. Get in touch for anything re: poetry and poetics, print and magazine publication, podcasts, editorial support, sonnet talk, event curation, outreach, translation, collaboration and matters of utopia.

>>>> mau.spamzine[at]gmail[dot]com <<<<


Published: 28/6/21


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