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(DISPATCH) SPAM does ASP Fair 2020


Poster for SPAM Press

SPAM are delighted to announce we'll be having a stall and stage as part of the sixth Artist Self-Publishers' Fair, held this year online.

Alongside many other special guests, we will have a virtual space where you can drop in and out to hear live performances, readings, discussion and ~sonic interludes~. There will also be a link to the SPAM store where you can pick up plenty of merch and recent publications.


27th September 2020, 2-7pm.

Access/tickets: no prior registration required. Portal to the SPAM stall/stage will be made available via the ASP website on the day. You can drop in and out of the Zoom call via the ASP website.

Merch for sale: there will be a special SPAM store discount code available for anyone who drops by the virtual stall.

Programme (all times are BST): 🌞

14:00 - Introductions

14:15 - SPAM editors read poems

14:30 - Hot or not? Live close readings of poems YOU voted for, with the SPAM editors.

15:30 - Break/music

16:00 - Readings from Anna Danielewicz, Alex Marsh, Anjeli Caderamanpulle, Dom Hale and Loll Jung.

17:30 - Chat

18:00 - Music/finish/ask the editors

We will have a Zoom call open from 2-7pm and feel free to join at any time to ask questions of the editors, join the discussion (including poetry close readings) and listen to some of our favourite SPAM poets read their work. If you want to suggest poems to close read, keep an eye on the SPAM gram in advance for polls or slide into our DMs at your leisure.

Poet Bios:

anjeli caderamanpulle is a poet living in glasgow. she edits meet cute zine and her first pamphlet, boys was published by spam press in March 2020. her work has also been published in gutter and adjacent pineapple.

Anna Danielewicz is an artist and writer based in Glasgow. Coming from a background in performance, her practice now orbits the formats of writing, workshops and the radio. Anna is a member of the programming committee of Market Gallery in Glasgow. She has studied Intermedia at Edinburgh College of Art (2016), and Theatre Practices at Glasgow University (2018). She is currently working on a novel about teenagers, lovesickness, and problematic sociality.

Dom Hale lives in Lancashire. He edits the magazine Mote and co-organises the Edinburgh reading series JUST NOT. He is the author of several books of poetry including Addons (Gong Farm), Scammer (the87press), and Firewall (Distance No Object). SPAM published his first pamphlet, Time Zone, in 2018.

Loll Jung is a human animal who can usually be found residing in Glasgow. They have an MLitt in Creative Writing, with work published in SPAM, Adjacent Pineapple, Datableed, Gutter, and From Glasgow To Saturn. Loll’s interests lie in hybrid essaying, poetry, and fiction, where they grapple with intersections between mythology, ecology, and memory. At this moment, Loll is sitting in a big house on a big hill in a small part of Germany, trying to finish a novel.

Alex Marsh's debut pamphlet Silo Bliss (2019) was launched last spring with SPAM press and he co-runs Out Else and Gong Farm, a performance and book series in London. His next book (Ten Red Mornings // Late Hydro Taunt) will be out with Death of Workers Whilst Building Skyscrapers Press this month.


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