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  • SPAM



Ahoy, ahoy! We interrupt your luxury cruise through the sluicing waters of late July to announce two exciting new sections on our website. SPAM Digest and SPAM Cuts aim to bring you the latest smokin’ critical material on a monthly basis.

SPAM Digest aims to be nothing more than a non-fiction version of the classic What We’ve Been Reading section. Expect a monthly quick list of the editors’ favourite critical essays, post-internet think pieces, and literature reviews that have influenced the way we think about contemporary poetry and poetics.

SPAM Cuts will involve a handful of poets, editors and friends doing write-ups on recent poems they’ve discovered online, or via small presses or new anthologies. The aim is to keep things fresh and provide a sample of what’s happening in the n o o s p h e r e of poetic potential and/or the niche universe of poetry publication. If you’d like to volunteer your thoughts on a recent poem/hybrid piece, please get in touch with SPAM Cuts editor, Maria Sledmere at We’re looking for no more than a couple of paragraphs: your angle on the poem, who would like it, perhaps a light sprinkling of close reading will do.


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