You are cordially invited to compose, rearrange, appropriate, embroider, spray perfume on, hold hands with, have a crush on, daydream about, bejazzle, braid, or crimp pieces of text for the next issue of SPAM zine, under the theme of PROM DATE.
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Dear fluffy diary, challenge 25, getting the cute girl from AP English to sign your yearbook, rent-a-limo, rent-a-tux, the rental economy, curfew anxiety, my super sweet 16, 21st century chivalry, corsage and corset, sexual intimacy expressed on a metaphorical scale of baseball bases, the flowers, deflowering, sex ed taught by an unwilling teacher, ‘life’ v. ‘the rom-com’, nostalgia everywhere, the slow dance, the pause to show the dress off at the top of the stairs, protective fathers, toxic masculinity in the form of a purple cloud of lynx, kiss me through the flip phone, chaperones, juicy gossip, blowing on your glitter nail polish to make it dry quicker, motel rooms, sequin & chiffon, prom queen & king, that grey picture backdrop, MSN chats after dinner, pink condoms, awkward sentiment, teenage dream by Katy Perry on the radio, The Virgin Suicides, peach shnapps, Carrie, Freaks & Geeks, lurid dresswear, diamantes, the ‘stretch’ in ‘stretch limo’, love notes passed in class, going steady, hickeys, kissagrams, bouquet, three-course set menus, drama in the halls, Princess Diaries, strawberries diving into the chocolate fountain, underage mayhem, confessional teacher love, hitchin’ a riiiide, first time, disco kitsch, Back to the Future, adolescent jouissance, intense opportunity, makeup tips, make out tips, the hummer, glitter hip flasks, tulle, tacky fashion, naf chat ups, pouring punch with a ladle, my very first vomit, glitzy abjection, teachers who think they’re cool, mirror selfies, disco winchin, balloons in shades of pink, Laura Palmer’s prom photo, dancefloor transcendence of clique boundaries, kilts, squad photos, picturesque ballrooms, mulling regrets in math class, wholesome couples, family pride, fake prosecco, formal occasion, beauty contests, vintage risks, lost jewellery, wikihow instructions on kissability, prospect of one last summer, mood swings, prima donnas, BFF bustups
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RSVP by 4th April 2018 to spamzine.editors@gmail.com All sorts of poetic and/or experimental forms welcome; send max 2 A5 pages to be printed in B/W.